Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 36

Major events:  A wedding, a cooking class and baby shower #2!
Size of baby:  Head of Romaine lettuce
Missing:  Hugging my husband without a basketball between us!
Signs of labor:  No signs of labor yet.  I have noticed that over the course of the last couple of weeks that I will feel very cramp-y (it feels very similar to menstrual cramps).  However, it is definitely not to the point where I would even consider calling these contractions or Braxton Hicks.  The cramps are limited to my lower lower abdomen (not even where my uterus IS but rather where it used to be...), my stomach does not tense up at all and there is no real start or stop.  (Braxton Hicks are also 'supposed to be' relatively painless allegedly.)  I think this is just pain from all of the downwards pressure, as I can often feel her head squirming around on my bladder during these times of discomfort. 

So April was a crazy crazy month, filled with SO many things.  Fun and exciting things.  But I'm glad that it's over.  May is finally here and Ryan and I can finally shift our attention 100% to each other, our family and our new little addition.  I really did not have many opportunities in April to post updates, other than just the usual weekly recaps, but I am hoping that over the next couple of weeks I will have some more time to post before Baby Heidi arrives!  Nothing much has changed between last week and this week, so I have limited this weeks post to just a picture and the facts.  I have added a "signs of labor" section as well, to document if/when I notice things starting to warm up!  Check back soon for more on how this last month of pregnancy is going for us.

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