Thursday, May 15, 2014

Nursery Update!

So now that the nursery is 90% complete, I figured I would show you what it looks like as well as share/explain a few of the products that we chose to go with!  (You can see all of our progress and before pictures here!)

Dresser/changing table.  I haven't quite worked out how to organize the top of this yet... I'm trying to avoid having to add another table or cart next to it, but there isn't much room left on top after the changing pad!  I found the baby animal watercolors on Etsy here.  They are perfect!  Exactly what I had pictured.  The streamers are a leftover decoration from the baby shower.  I really just put it up there for fun but I kind of like it now.  I haven't decided if it will remain a permanent fixture yet or not.

Here you can see the diaper pail with liner for cloth diapers, cloth wipes and inserts.  The rocking chair will be replaced by a glider in the next day or so (whenever it arrives).  However, the rocking chair will remain in the room though so that more than one person can sit down at a time.  It was used by my mom when I was a baby, so it's pretty special.  :)  

Here is the top drawer of the dresser, with all of our diapering supplies!  (I will post more details about our diaper decisions later.)  The little organizer baskets are from Ikea... and I LOVE them!!!  ($7.99 for a set of 6!!!  Found here.)

Drawer number 2:  ONESIES GALORE!  I will probably regret taking the tags off and washing every. single. onesie that we received but I don't even care!  For someone who is an organizer and planner like me... seeing everything all cleaned and ready to go and organized is kind of a turn on, not gonna lie (and yes it does bother me that the stacks aren't perfect in this picture!)  So even if she has to bypass that whole first newborn stack or if there are other things that don't fit her... worth it for my own piece of mind. I also wish that I could fit all of these items into those neat little Ikea organizers too...

And the bottom drawer.  This drawer bothers me.  This is what makes me think I need a little cart or something separate... perhaps one of those hanging closet shelf things...  Anyway.  We have burp cloths, swaddles, extra diaper pail liners, extra diaper things... I don't like keeping things that I will use frequently in the bottom drawer however, I do have to remind myself that I WILL be able to bend over again one day to actually reach these things.   Hah.

Heidi's clothes have all been washed and her dresses have been hung up in the closet.  I found the dividers on Etsy here

Love these little lavender-y drawer pulls from Hobby Lobby!  We are using them on the closet doors. 

The most PERFECT clock from Decoylab!!  Probably one of my favorite decorative items in the nursery and the inspiration for the whole feel of the room.  Thanks to a good friend for getting it for us :)

Now for the crib!  I had plans to put a collection of mirrors over the crib, but we haven't quite gotten around to hanging them up yet... and the mobile that we want won't be arriving until late June... I have a feeling that Heidi won't care... not to mention babies can't even see that far sooo she won't even know.  The crib is a Nursery 101 Sidney Convertible Crib found on Amazon.  I would also like to eventualy get a better/longer/cuter bed skirt, (right now its just a short white one, barely visible in this picture) but I ran outta steam trying to find one.

Some of Heidi's cute toys.  (I have plans to put some of these on a shelf, but it isn't hung yet.)

And finally the bedding!  I am pumped about our sheet situation and so excited to share about it!  I realize that most women out there like to go SUPER crazy with the bedding, get really fru-fru flowery ruffley with all 600 pieces (sheets, bumpers, quilts, dust ruffles... the list goes on...)  However, I am not that kind of girl.  In case you haven't noticed yet, I like very simple, clean looking things.  So, yes I DO realize that this crib set up looks extremely basic.  But I'm okay with that.  I prefer that.  ANYWAY, the sheets we picked are called QuickZip by Clouds and Stars (found here and on Amazon for $32.99!)  Here's why these are SO great (or so I'm told)...  Essentially the "top rectangle" of the sheet just zips right off.  This way, if you find yourself changing baby-poop-covered sheets in the middle of the night, you don't have to pull out the whole dang mattress at 3:00 a.m.  Here's a closer look:

The zipper (obviously) starts and ends at the same spot, and it tucks in nicely underneath its self.

Here you can see just one corner partially unzipped. 

Here is the base of the sheet set.  It covers the entire mattress.  You can also purchase additional "top sheets" separately without the base, so you have an extra few on hand.  As for the mattress protector/pad... I was initially concerned because the only mattress pads I have seen are like what we use on our adult mattresses - you know the fitted kind that stretches over the corners.  Well, having that would completely defeat the purpose of having the QuickZip sheets if anything at all soaked through - we would still be stuck ripping that whole dang mattress out to change the sheets!  After a simple google search...enter the full length waterproof crib pad (we went with Summer Infant).  Perfect!  (You can see the pad in the picture of the unzipped sheet above.)

So there you have it.  We still have a couple more finishing touches, (hanging some items, getting a little end table for a cute lamp that we have...) but if Baby Heidi comes today... we're ready for you...or I guess I should say your THINGS are ready for you.  We've been ready for you, thinking about you and praying for you for a lot longer :)

***Update: Here is a picture of the final product.  Completed just in the nick of time with only a few days to spare!


  1. So pretty! You are a natural nester! We can't wait to get "the call!"
