Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Weeks 17, 18 and 19

Week 17
(No picture this week!) 

Major events: Ryan's sister's wedding
Size of baby: Turnip
Sleep: I would say bad, however at this point I am still able to sleep on my back AND my stomach. When I was pregnant with Heidi, I made an effort to get into the habit of NOT sleeping on my back from the very beginning. (It is bad for pregnant women to sleep on their backs past 16 weeks because the baby presses on a major vein that returns blood from the lower part of your body - this in turn can cause a decrease in circulation to the baby and placenta. Yikes!) Even though if you wake up on your back "don't panic it's no big deal" just roll they say. I think that by always having this in the back of my mind with Heidi, I cheated myself out of some crucial Zzzs...This time around, I'm just trying to focus on what's comfortable. I think I was also scared with Heidi to sleep on my belly starting pretty early on... but that is still comfortable to me at this point so I'll keep doing it until it's not. So currently, the only thing keeping me from GOOD sleep is just waking up to pee all the time. Now that we are in the second half of the pregnancy though, I'm guessing the restlessness will start to increase soon enough... especially when baby presses down on my back too much and I get too big to sleep on my belly. I'll enjoy all the sleep I can get now while I still can!
Cravings: None
Aversions: Fish fish fish. No thank you!
Movement: YES!! And Ryan felt the baby move for the first time too - week 17 day 5! That's always THE best. 
Belly button in or out? In
Weight gain: 10 lbs.
Missing: Not much really...
Best part of this week: Ryan feeling baby move for the first time!
Hardest part of this week: 11 mile weekday run that was pretty brutal... I had a brief scare during the run and almost had to stop! Around mile 9 or so, I felt what is best described as a "zinger"... it was a strange pain that started in my back and wrapped around to my front. I know what you're thinking! Had it lasted a half a second longer or if I had felt it again I would have for SURE stopped my run completely. But since it literally came and went in less than half a second (really - it was that quick!) I decided to keep going. Maybe I just stepped wrong or something like that. I can confidently say with 110% certainty that was the first feeling I have ever felt that I know without a doubt I would not be comfortable just "running through". I am so glad it did not return - and hasn't since!
Looking forward to: Spending time with my college BFF/roommate/soulmate next week!!
Emotions: So happy to be pregnant and that this pregnancy has been so easy (so far)!

Week 18
(No picture again - sorry!)

Major events: Halloween; a friends brunch wedding in Beaumont (babies FOURTH wedding already! He has also worked one with me too - just like Heidi did when she was in there!)
Size of baby:  Bell pepper
Sleep: Not awesome but could be worse I suppose...
Cravings: None.
Aversions: Any sort of fishy smell - yuck
Movement: Yes, some... but this little guy is SO inconsistent! I am hoping that he's just such a laid back dude that he's just chillin in there most of the time, hangin out being calm and relaxed ;). (It makes sense now that Heidi was so crazy when she was in there...bc she's such a maniac now!) Fingers crossed his personality IN the womb will reflect his personality OUT of the womb (and maybe reflective of how labor will go??? One can dream...)
Belly button in or out? In
Weight gain: 10 lbs.
Missing: Champagne
Best part of this week: Seeing how CUTE my little angel was dressed up as a friendly ghost for Halloween! And hanging out with Jenny and Matt!
Hardest part of this week: Lots of pressure, cramping and pain from my growing stretching uterus. 
Looking forward to: Ultrasound next week!
Emotions: Feeling good!

Major events: Last ultrasound!! Stella's 1st birthday party; met with a potential doula!
Size of baby: Heirloom tomato
Sleep: Blegh
Cravings: None
Aversions: Fish
Movement: Yes! But still quite inconsistent...
Belly button in or out? In
Weight gain: 10 lbs.
Missing: Breathing. Not being sick.
Best part of this week: Seeing our baby boy for a long time at our ultrasound!
Hardest part of this week: BEING SICK!!!! Heidi and I BOTH got sick and it. was. ROUGH. Heidi has had a runny nose for about a week and a half (which is definitely NOT like her - she never has a snotty face). I was kind of feeling some sinus stuff too, so I just thought maybe it was allergies?? (despite the fact that I am pretty much NEVER bothered by allergies). Well on Saturday, Heidi started having a lot of chest congestion and a cough. It didn't seem like anything serious so I was just going to let it run it's course (in our house, we don't rush to the doctor and get on meds unless we really need to). Well... Monday morning Heidi just kept on sleeping. Finally around 10am I decided I needed to go wake her up. Let's just say...a HUGE bath and a set of fresh sheets were what happened next. That was enough for me to call the Dr. ASAP to try and get her in. All the while... I am also feeling like crap. I do not take any medications during pregnancy so I had no relief :(. At least Heidi got on antibiotics! However, pretty much the rest of the week was spent hanging out in the living room together as Heidi did not go to took the whole week for us to start feeling like life was getting back to normal again. That was one rough week!! 
Looking forward to: Spending time with family over Thanksgiving! Turkey trot! Yay!
Emotions: Sad that this pregnancy is going by so fast! Slow down time!! 

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