Thursday, April 30, 2015

gDiaper Series Part 3 - Ways to Save Money on gDiapers (Yes You Can Afford It!) and More!

What I love most about gDiapers:

- No chemicals/unnatural ingredients on my baby's bum - I realize that millions of babies have disposable diapers on their skin 24/7 for years and years without any problems.  However, I strive to be as natural as possible so I do sleep a little better at night knowing that Heidi doesn't have any (or at least as many) unnatural materials absorbing into her body.
- Carbon footprint/reduce waste - Obviously, being someone who considers themselves "green" this is huge.  I love knowing that we are contributing less to filling up the landfills and I'm glad my baby's poopy diaper won't still be around in the year 2300.
- Diaper rash - did you know that cloth diapers reduce a baby's chance of getting diaper rash?  It's true!  I'm not even sure that Heidi has had a full blown diaper rash outbreak yet!  We have had a few times where she looks red-ish but it usually goes away completely overnight. 
- No monthly expenses - This is a BIG one. (This almost deserves it's own post I think it's so important!!)  I think that there are so many people who believe that they can't afford to cloth diaper their baby.  This is SO not true.  I personally feel like between disposable diapers and cloth diapers, you at the very least breaking even with cloth diapering one child.  Now if you use your cloth diapers on future children that's when you really start saving money!  (Here is a blog I came across where someone actually sat down and did all the math!)  The big difference for me is that with cloth diapers you are paying for it all up front (with the exception of the added loads of laundry) as opposed to spreading it out over the course of several months/years.  I am a "rip-the-bandaid-off" kind of person, so I am TOTALLY okay with getting the cost of diapering out of the way all at once.  We have never had to sit down and re-work our budget to add in the monthly expense of diapers and wipes.  (Since I have breastfed Heidi since the day she was born almost 1 year ago, at this point we still have no monthly baby expenses.  I can't express how GOOD this feels!)  Along with this "no monthly expense" thing... Not once have I ever had to call Ryan on his way home from work and say "Hey can you stop and pick up some diapers!!  We're almost out!!"  I LOVE that that has never happened.  Sure there have been a few times where I had to grab an insert out of the dryer or I was a little behind on the wash and we had to resort to a disposable diaper until the laundry was done, but we have everything that we need right here.
- Less leaks/blowouts - it seems that the few times Heidi has pooped in a disposable diaper it has blown out of the top (up her back).  I also have friends who use disposables exclusively who have also run into this problem...I suppose we could blame it on the brand or size of diapers or something BUT it still seemed to happen too frequently (at least enough to reassure me that we made the right choice with our brand of cloth diapers!)  That's not to say that we never have leaks or blow outs, it just seems to happen pretty rarely.  When Heidi was pretty little, we had several leaks pretty close together.  I freaked out and immediately thought we had made a mistake and that the cloth diapers were't effective and we had wasted all this money etc. etc... I purchased 2 different types of BumGenius cloth diapers to try those out because I still wanted to try cloth but I thought maybe we had just picked a bad brand... ANYWAY.  I finally took a step back and realized that leaks/blowouts are normal and ARE going to happen regardless of what kind/brand/type/color/size diaper your baby is wearing.  However, if it is happening a LOT then maybe it is time to explore more options.  Also, by trying another brand/style of cloth diapers, my faith and confidence in our decision to use gDiapers was reaffirmed.  I truly feel like gDiapers works best for us.

Ways to save $$$ on gdiapers:
- Buy prefold inserts (as opposed to the gDiaper [or other] brand microfiber inserts) - Green Mountain Diapers sells 12 organic preemie size prefolds for $18.  ($15 if you just go with plain white!)  This is significantly less than the $33 for 6 inserts that gDiaper sells.  Keep in mind - preemie sized inserts fits into small gDiapers and newborn fits into medium/large gDiapers.  I believe that we have 2 dozen inserts which lasts us a couple of days.  (Honestly, I wouldn't recommend having more than 2-3 dozen inserts.  You really don't want an excuse to go longer than a few days between washes and let those dirty inserts sit around for too long.)
- Purchase large gDiapers at the same time as you purchase the mediums - Each gDiaper comes with the gPants and one pouch.  You will need approx. 2 pouches PER gPant.  That being said...pouches for medium and large gDiapers are the same size, so by purchasing both size gPants at the same time, you won't have to purchase any additional pouches.  Just pull the pouches off of the larges and use all pouches towards the medium gPants.  When it's time to move up into the larges, you just continue using all of those same pouches! (This one might make a little more sense after you visit the supply list at the end of this series - but by doing this you will save $23-$46!!)
- REGISTER - is this your first baby?  Do you have a baby registry?  Will there be a baby shower thrown in your honor?  By knowing exactly what you need ahead of time, you will be able to add all that you need to your registry and (hopefully) have the majority of the items you need gifted to you.  I went into cloth diapering so blindly, I added a few pairs of gDiapers to my registry, but hardly anything else.  We ended up spending a lot of our own money on all of the diapers and supplies (which was FINE) but knowing that things could have been different had I been more educated/prepared... my own fault.

And now for just a few more unrelated tips:
- Wait until meconium has passed before you break in that cloth diaper!  Trust me on this.  In those first few days as a new parent... things are already crazy enough.  The last thing you are going to want to add to your plate is trying to figure out how to scrape off that damn tar poop.  I would suggest making a commitment to start cloth diapering baby 1-2 weeks after delivery.  This is what we did and I am grateful we gave ourselves a few days to get into a "routine" (haha) before adding another new thing to the mix.  No matter how dedicated you are... it's okay to use disposable diapers until you feel ready to switch to cloth.
- When placing the gPants into the laundry, make sure all velcro tabs are "closed" or folded over.  If not, the rough part of the velcro will stick to everything and ruin that super cute dress you just bought on sale for baby at Target.
- Try them out!  You don’t HAVE to go crazy and spend a crap load of money right off the bat if you aren’t 100% sure this is for you.  You CAN buy a couple of diapers and just try them out. You don’t have to commit 100% to a certain brand or style to try them out (however be ready to commit roughly $20-$30 a piece on each “experiment"!)
- Don't use any oxyclean or other type of oxygen cleaners or bleach as they can ruin the absorbency (and softness!) of your inserts.  If you are looking to get the stains out of your inserts, you can lay them in the sun with some lemon juice to bleach out!
- gDiapers also sells "liners", which can be confusing.  Don't get the "liners" confused with the "pouches" or "inserts" - they are all different things!  Liners are little sheets (similar to a dryer sheet or dried out disposable wipe) that are placed inside the diaper on top of the insert.  This is to help with transition poop!  The idea is that when the baby poops, you just remove the liner, flush/compost/dispose of and then go about your regular routine.  This sounds like a good idea... but we really didn't like the liners.  Everytime Heidi peed in her diaper it seemed to almost shed little tiny pieces on her.  (I guess it disintegrates TOO easily!)  I definitely would feel comfortable flushing the liners, but they were creating more work for me by making me spend more time wiping Heidi down - trying to get all those damn shreds off of her hiney!

My favorite gBooty!

Continued here: gDiaper Series Part 4 - Registry Checklist!

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