Sunday, September 21, 2014

Month 4 - Heidi

Month 4: Baby!

Age: 4 months
Weight: 15 lbs. 9 oz. 
Major calendar events:  Heidi's first Baylor football game, her first overnight away from home, first wedding and first run!
Milestones:  If she hears my voice but doesn't see me she will look around and try to figure out where I am!  I love this!
Sleep: Sleeping through the night at this point although sometimes it takes a little work to get her to go down.  She is still sleeping in her pack n play in our room and still swaddled - although her arms are out at this point bc that startle reflex seems to have finally disappeared.
Likes:  Hanging out in here mamaroo "pod", laughing at mommy working out, shopping, sleeping during mommy's runs, chewing on Sophie the giraffe's face and watching her mobile in her room
Dislikes:  Long-ish car rides, napping by herself
Best moment:  Heidi did SO great when we stayed overnight at a hotel in Waco for the game.  Went right to sleep, no waking up and no crying yay!  She also hardly complained during the drive up there - which was a surprise!  She usually gets VERY mad if she has been in her car seat for too long.
Worst moment:  Screamed ALL the way home from Sugarland to our house.  Yikes that was rough.
Eating:  100% breastmilk - every 4 hours!  It feels SO different having that extra hour between nursing Heidi.  Before it felt like all I did was nurse her.  Once one feeding ended it was almost time to start the next.   I feel like I can do so much more between feeding her - it's amazing how crazy different it!  It's awesome!

Month 4: Mama

Overall this was a good month.  It finally feels like we are getting into the swing of things.  I do still struggle some during the day, because Heidi REALLY does not like to be put down for naps by herself.  We typically take all of our naps together (which - let's be honest - isn't the WORST thing in the world) but if I NEED to get something done it is impossible at this point for me to move her or put her down while she is asleep without her waking up and getting mad.  And forget about putting her down while she is awake!

Heidi and I went on our very first run together since she has been on the outside and it was so good to have my running buddy back with me!  I definitely thought running with a stroller would be harder than it actually is, however it will take some getting used to.  I also started doing some circuit work, but I'm trying not to do too much too suddenly and mess with my milk supply.

TMI update: I also think *I think* I got my period.  I was quite surprised because I am exclusively breastfeeding. so I assumed that it would hold off a little bit longer but we'll see I guess... (I think Heidi sleeping through the night has something to do with this... not waking up for that middle of the night feeding could possibly be giving my body just enough time to reset those hormones!)  If that's what it was then I got a whole year off exactly, which was SO nice... however I do have friends that got almost 2 full years of no cycles!!  Oh well.  As nice as it is to not have to worry about having a period once a month, I feel like I don't really know my body.  It definitely makes natural family planning difficult (although typically if you are exclusively breastfeeding you're covered for at least the first 6 months [and YES there IS science to back this up it isn't just an old wives tale] which maybe I will post about later) and I really miss the confidence I used to have in knowing my own body.  Things are still out of whack and I hope my body is still adjusting to not being pregnant... and hopefully getting back to normal! 

Just a few pics from Heidi's 4th month with us!

Great Grandma with Heidi.

Church!  Heidi is pumped.

Mornings :)

Visiting the Great-grandparents Kresta at their farm - their first time to meet Heidi!


Baylor game!

Hotel sink baths.

Awww they fell asleep holding hands!

The morning that I was in labor, we picked some bluebonnet seed pods on our walk.  We decided to plant them in the backyard!

Heidi is participating.

She's just so strong!  Knockin her toys down...

Galleria time!

Wedding time.

Me and my man fixin to tear up that dance floor!

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