Week 28
Major events: Nothing major this week - our lives are finally slowing down from a super crazy fall and holiday season... at this point our calendar is almost completely clear between now and when baby comes - yay! Time to finally get started on that nursery... the clock is running out!
Size of baby: Eggplant
Sleep: Fine...
Cravings: Orange juice?? Not sure if that is an actual pregnant craving or just an exercise induced craving... (during a 10 mile run I kept passing a lot of citrus trees with a bunch of ripe oranges. All I could think about was drinking a nice cold glass of OJ at the end of the run!)
Aversions: None
Movement: Yes yes! I have been experiencing some pain as well...Most of the time baby boy's feet are way off in my right side. Lately, a lot of times when he kicks a certain spot on that side it sends a line of pain straight across my lower belly. It feels like a knife slicing me straight across, or like someone has a piece of barbed wire around me and suddenly yanks it tight from behind. It is hard not to react to these pains but it often is hard not to, with gasps or facial expressions. Since these "zingers" only last 2 seconds or so at a time and seem to come and go based on his position I think this is just him stretching me too much sideways from the inside. I know he is stretching out because I can also feel his head poking my left side simultaneously. It is very uncomfortable. Also, (and this is not totally movement related) but I am really feeling the pressure of my uterus and other organs moving upwards. I have been feeling a lot of neck and shoulder pain - exactly what it feels like after abdominal surgery when there is a lot of air trapped inside of you and it presses all of your organs up and into the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Ugh it's such a gross and uncomfortable and painful feeling. Luckily this is not something that I have been feeling regularly though - just a few times.
Belly button in or out? In
Weight gain: 20 lbs.
Missing: Feeling like I have to pee only when I actually have to... I have officially entered the stage where I rush to the bathroom and immediately think "That's it?!?" after I only go like, 2 drops. Oh geeze.
Best part of this week: As I was making Heidi's lunch one morning before she went to MDO, she was sitting in her high chair eating her breakfast. She kept calling me over to give me a big hug and/or a big kiss. I just couldn't handle it and basically cried the whole time I was making her lunch. I just love her so much!! I didn't even care that it took me like, 20 minutes to actually make her lunch.
Hardest part of this week: VERY draining and exhausting day at the mall. it was awful...Super duper long story but I ended up spending 4+ hours at the mall waiting for an appt. at The Apple Store only to find out they were going to make me wait another 2 hours to get my phone fixed. Heidi was with me and this was between 3pm and about 7:30pm... luckily Ryan was able to come to my rescue around 5:30/6:00ish... but I was physically and emotionally drained (also running off of a PB&J sandwich I had eaten around 1pm). I lost it on the Apple people (which I hate doing) but the situation wasn't going to be rectified if I had just walked away. In the end I ended up getting what I felt was fair but I didn't exactly mark it as a "win" because of how upset I had to get. I cried the whole way home and pretty much just cried until we went to sleep that night. It was so awful and I was just so glad that the day was over. I felt so bad for making Heidi do that (even though she was such a good girl) but at the same time I was so grateful that I didn't have to face that day alone and that she was with me. I was so overwhelmed with how happy it made me to be with her and have her there.
Looking forward to: Running a half marathon next week (and it's a CHOCOLATE half marathon!!!) and announcing our new baby's name (hopefully) in the next week or so.
Emotions: Some days are more emotional than others, tiredness/exhaustion drastically affects this as well.
Major events: Glucose test; ran a half marathon!!
Size of baby: Butternut squash
Sleep: A little better...
Cravings: None
Aversions: None
Movement: Yes, still experiencing the same zinging pain across my lower belly when he stretches out sideways
Belly button in or out? In...but starting to look very shrively and gross.
Weight gain: 23 lbs
Missing: Bending, laying on my stomach... the physical discomforts of not being able to move normally are starting to set in!
Best part of this week: Successfully running a half-marathon in a semi-decent amount of time (2 hours 12 minutes!) and getting to spend lots of time with my man! Also had some awesome dance parties with Heidi and at one point she just rested her head on my shoulder as we danced around. I loved thinking that I was dancing with BOTH of my babies.
Hardest part of this week: Heidi got pretty sick so that was a little tough (2 nights of her getting ZERO sleep due to so much coughing) and we left her with my in-laws for part of this time. Even though she doesn't really ever act like she's miserable (she still runs around like a complete maniac) it was still so hard to leave her behind. Evenings are consistently hard for me. Not any one evening in particular... When I wake up in the morning I feel great. My stomach and organs all feel normal and I don't feel that crammed or full. However, by the time the evening rolls around and Ryan gets home from work, I feel SO full. I literally feel like I just ate 6 Thanksgiving dinners even if I haven't eaten in hours. At dinner, I am stuck in this weird place of being really hungry, but also having a stomach ache and feeling like I can't put another crumb inside of my body. It's very strange. After dinner, I am usually feeling pretty rough. Just SO full. I have definitely reached the point in this pregnancy where I am questioning how it's possible to still have 10 weeks left of growing... something I thought wouldn't happen this being my second time to go through this. (With my first pregnancy, I can remember looking at my tiny 20-something week belly thinking "I'M HUGE!!" and then at 39 weeks realizing how small I was in those pictures haha.) I can really feel my uterus and other organs pressing into my stomach and it doesn't feel good when this is occurring. Evenings are rough, which is hard because there are still plenty of things and chores that need to "get done" (cooking dinner, bathing Heidi, straightening up, folding laundry, etc.) and laying on the couch doing nothing isn't exactly an option (even if my husband insists that it is - I refuse to make him do everything)!
Looking forward to: Having more free time, preparing more for baby and actually MEETING baby!! Can't wait for that first skin-to-skin and that first latch.
Emotions: I have had a few emotional days where I just feel overwhelmed or like crying for no reason. Again, a lot of times food, a shower or sleep will help with this (much like during postpartum)!!
A few pictures from the race....! (P.S. I highly recommend this race to anyone looking for a "smaller" half. It's a womens' only race in San Antonio and only about 550 or so ran the half. The perfect size in my opinion!)
The best thing about a "Cocoa Run"... chocolate at the finish line!!!!! |
29 weeks pregnant. |
Also pancakes at the finish line... I made a chocolate pancake taco - a pancake filled with chocolate chips. YUM!!! (Also not pictured: lots of hot chocolate and breakfast tacos!) |