Monday, October 3, 2016

Month 6 - Wells

Month 6: Baby!

Age: 6 months
Weight: 19 lbs. 1 oz
Major calendar events: A visit from Aunt Em and also attended a wedding
Milestones: Started sitting up on his own, got mad for the first time when I moved a toy away from his reach
Sleep: Started sleeping in his own room upstairs, but still waking up pretty consistently once to eat (boo)
Likes: Drooling, putting everything in his mouth, his sister, and for some reason he finds it really hilarious when I open and close blinds
Dislikes: Sleeping through the night
Best moment: Hmmm nothing specific comes to mind although probably something involving and interaction with Heidi - they both love each other so much and I love to see the way he looks at her!
Worst moment: Wells doesn't really have a lot of memorable or significantly bad moments
Eating: 100% breastfed, 4 times per day (roughly every 4-5 hours or so) and still spitting up all the time...hoping that will start to subside this next month! Also, now that he is 6 months it's getting to be about that time to start introducing solids. However, I don't quite feel ready for that emotionally yet! We might hold off a liiiitle bit longer before really going crazy with the solids, as long as he still seems to be getting enough nutrition from breastmilk. He is definitely showing interest in food, but I just want to make sure that we wait until it truly is necessary nutritionally to start him on solids. I'm not into "just for fun" when it comes to solid foods. We'll see. 

A few pictures...

One of Heidi's favorite things to do is give Wells ALL of the toys...whether he's awake or not!

So happy!

All the toys... again.

Be still my  heart!! 

Love my time with this little dude.