Friday, September 6, 2019

20 weeks

20 weeks. 20 weeks with this baby growing inside of me. I’m a little sad that we’re already to the halfway point, but also SO excited for the second half of this pregnancy.

I truly believe that God did not intend for pregnancy to be a miserable time to just wade through, waiting and wishing for it to be over. It’s part of the journey that He created for us. Yes there’s some sacrifice, it’s not always “easy” and there certainly are some growing pains (both physically and emotionally). But I believe that His timing and design is perfect, whether we understand it or not.

Something I’ve been doing a little differently this time around is focusing intently on the present, and on BEING present in this pregnancy. In the past, I feel like there was a lot of counting down to specific milestones. “How many more weeks until ____?” “I cant WAIT until I’m ___ weeks!” “How many more days until my next ultrasound?” “When will I look like THIS? or feel THAT?” ”How much more time until ____ happens?” And this time I’ve done none of that. I am 20 weeks right now. And that’s that. I’m not thinking about 21 weeks, or 27 weeks or 39 weeks. (Still preparing diligently for birth and my postpartum experience though, of course.)

My hope is that when I’m 40 weeks pregnant, I can look back on this time and think “What an amazing journey this has been!” and not “Oh crap where did the time go?!” I’ve experienced the latter in a very negative way before and I don’t want it to feel that way again. Because I want to enjoy it and never ever take this time and blessing for granted.

So here’s to the past 20 weeks. And to enjoying EACH of the next 20!!