Month 9: Baby!
Age: 9 months
Weight: 19 lbs. 3 oz
Major calendar events: Ash Wednesday
Milestones: Started early potty training! Cut third tooth, FINALLY rolled over, rediscovered her toes, met my grandpas best friend, and also started dancing on her own....(quite possibly the most exciting for me so far hehe) The first time I noticed her dancing was when an Oreo commercial came on the TV... video below!
Sleep: Excellent! 8pm-8am at night... been trying (kind of) to get Heidi to nap during the day in her crib. This worked great one day and then not so much the next day. But hey - baby steps, right?!
Likes: Dancing, waving, clapping, smiling, grocery shopping... any opportunity to be social,
Dislikes: Not much!
Best moment: Watching Heidi "dance" to worship music in church!
Worst moment: Nothing big comes to mind
Eating: Breastfeeding 100% of the time, every 4 hours (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner before going to bed!) Heidi now gets upset if we are eating in front of her and not sharing - she definitely wants to participate! (I think this started with water bottles and other beverages, as soon as I was done taking a sip she would get SUPER excited, jump and waive her arms and flail her legs and wait for me to share!) We haven't been that good about preparing food for her to eat so that we can all sit down to dinner (usually she's too tired to even make it that far anyway) but I let her taste a LOT of things off of my own plate - which she LOVES! (I swear she is way more open to trying new things if it's off of my plate vs. coming from a bowl and a spoon while she's sitting in her high chair at the table!)
Things I want to remember: How EASY this phase is... I know it's about to end once she starts to crawl (so any day now) but right now she is so content just sitting on the floor and playing while I do my hair or fold laundry. She has been sitting up on her own for a very long time, so we have been able to really enjoy this stage for quite some time, but I know life is going to change DRASTICALLY once she starts moving around. Soaking up every minute I have right now to get stuff done while she sits and plays!
Month 9: Mama
Life feels normal, yet at the same time still so surreal. Ryan and I still look at each other all the time in disbelief that this is our life. This is our baby. We are parents! It is still weird to think about...! As for my monthly TMI update: It took my body 9 months but everything has now returned to normal! (Ovulation and all!) I haven't attempted any runs longer 6 miles, but my body (with the exception of my fluctuating boobs) is 99% back to what it was prior to having a baby - which feels SO good! (There are some things *ahem* that will never be 100% the same - OBVIOUSLY. I will probably never be able to jump on a trampoline again that's for sure.) I do realize that some people (okay MOST people) could care less about when I got my period back (haha) however, this WAS something that I was curious about prior to having a baby myself (how the heck does that work??) which is why I have been including this in my monthly Heidi updates. While every body is different - I still wanted to share my experience with how that worked for me!
Here are some pictures from our 9th month with this crazy lady!
Dancing for the first time ever!
Having fun with dad! |
Church play group! |
Heidi has a new admirer... he's a lot more into her than she is into him... |
Group trip to the vet! Talk about having your hands full... |
Sometimes (not very often) bath time is LESS than enjoyable... |
...but most of the time bath time is the best! |
Lunch date! |
And sometimes we're just straight up crazy. |
A VERY special moment as Heidi meets my grandpas bff for the first time. |
The BEST way to nap. |
Picnic time! |
A for effort Heidi. |
SUPER not so sure about this whole "swing" thing... |
The verdict? Swinging is awesome! |
The cool new way to watch TV. Everybody's doing it. |
Waving to yourself immediately following bath time is a must! |
MY love! |