Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We're Pregnant!

It’s true!  We are expecting.  And we couldn't be more excited.  While it seems that everyone else “had a feeling” or “knew this would happen soon”…Ryan and I were more surprised than anyone!  (I’m pretty sure my sister knew I was pregnant before I did!) 

With this news comes a lot of questions and curiosity.  I know that whenever I find out someone that I know is pregnant I go into major FBI detective mode to try and learn all the details!  Since I just LOVE hearing about (and learning from) other women’s pregnancy experiences, I thought this would be a great way for me to share our journey through this with you!  Disclaimer: Anyone who knows me knows – I’m not shy!  I have always been an open person, and will answer pretty much any question (and honestly!)  While this is a fabulous way for us to share with you, we also want to document these happenings for ourselves so that we can always look back and remember what life was like now!  Although, I will try and refrain from sharing TOO much, there might be a few TMI moments.  I will try to give you a heads up when those moments are approaching, so (Grandma, sisters, mom, dudes or whoever) if you are uncomfortable with knowing a little too much you can skip ahead. :)

Now to answer some of the basic burning questions!

Due Date: May 23rd

How many weeks along am I now: 14 weeks (For those who like to count in months, I am a little over 3 months, and just into my second trimester)

How big is Baby Kresta: The size of a lemon, about 3 ½ inches from head to booty!

Boy or Girl: I am hoping for a girl (the day before we found out, I had a dream that we had a baby girl…) but I am kind of feeling like it’s a boy right now.  That changes frequently though.  Ryan doesn’t seem to feel pulled one way or another.  We are hoping to find out very soon!

Morning sickness: Minute 1 of week 6 I felt a wave come over my whole body and for about 30 seconds I was sure I was about to throw up.  Then, just like that it was gone again. For the next couple of weeks, I was nauseous constantly (morning, noon and night).  Around week 8 or 9, it let up a little bit and began to come and go randomly.  Thankfully, I never actually threw up… but it was VERY difficult to find food that actually sounds appealing. (Even if I was not nauseous, pretty much everything sounded gross to me.)  I have been feeling GREAT the last several weeks!

Exhaustion: Up until week 9 or 10, I was sleeping ALL the time.  No really.  ALL morning, ALL day and ALL night (except to get up to pee several times per night – that started right away!)  However, sleeping through the night has been difficult.  I started waking up at 3:45 wide awake, unable to go back to sleep for hours.  So, around week 10 I started forcing myself out of bed and limiting myself to 1 nap during the day.  It helps about 50% of the time.

Belly: Barely showing.  I always thought pregnant bellies were hard right from the beginning, so even though I am definitely a lot thicker around the middle, it doesn't feel like I am TRULY showing yet because my (bigger) belly is still so squishy! After I eat though, it’s HUGE (and by huge I mean, twice as large as my normal post-meal food baby).  This probably not how it actually works, but I feel like my growing uterus is squishing all of my other organs upwards making my stomach EXTRA giant after I eat. 

How did we find out: There were a few things that seemed “off” but I was feeling what I *thought* (and what could have actually been) car sickness.  I didn't really think much of it, but decided to take a pregnancy test just to be sure…totally NOT expecting to see what I saw!  I will go more into detail about all of this later.

Why did we wait to share the news: A lot of pressure rides on the first trimester. It is the most delicate time in a pregnancy and the time during which most miscarriages occur.  (Obviously, we would be extremely sad should something like that happen, but I also trust my body to recognize when something is not right with the growing baby.  We both feel that if a miscarriage occurs it’s because it needs to.)  This is why we decided to tell family and a few close friends pretty early on (and by early on I mean the absolute first chance that we got!)  It was SOO insanely hard to not tell everyone we knew the second we found out!  It’s fun to spread out the excitement though.  It truly felt like an eternity from the time we found out to the time when we could share the news with the world.

Planned: Yes and No. This wasn't the timing we had expected, but by practicing Natural Family Planning (NFP), we are always saying YES to God and His plan for our family.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks!  The doctor had zoomed in SUPER close!  The circle thing on the right is the yolk sac, and the head is right next to that.  Then the rear end/foot paddles are on the far left!

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