Major events: Mother's day; completing final preparations for Heidi!
Size of baby: Length of a leek
Sleep: Bad as usual. Constantly getting up to pee, tossing and turning, I always wake up feeling like I never really was in a deep sleep
Cravings: None.
Movement: Yup. No longer sweet little kicks though... she is trying to BUST OUT!!
Belly button in or out? In!!
Missing: Beer and wine.
Best part of this week: THINGS are now ready for baby. That feels good. I had a fabulous day with a fellow pregnant friend, lunch and mani/pedis included!
Hardest part of this week: This past week I feel like this belly has gotten too heavy. It is starting to take a serious toll on my body. Each night I get into bed, I feel like I did an intense leg workout at the gym that day.
Looking forward to: Oh my gosh I can't wait to stand up and bend over to touch my toes again. It's going to feel SO good to be squishy in the middle again!!!
Emotions: Excited, anxious...trying so hard not to be impatient!
Signs of labor: TMI heads up big time: I think, I THINK, I lost the mucus plug (is there seriously not a better name for it??) over the course of a 24-48 hour period. Maybe. For some women, this occurrence is extremely obvious. For others, it's not quite so evident. (If you want to read more about this I found this website to be helpful: But just like EVERY single other thing with pregnancy... this happens at different times for each woman and does not necessarily mean labor is imminent. For some women, this happens a couple of weeks before labor, some women a couple of hours, some women during labor and some women never even know. With the exception of your water breaking or consistent contractions, all signs of labor (in my opinion) are pretty "pointless" - meaning there really is no specific timeline, or even order of events that will tell us when we will go into labor! It's a mystery! Which sucks (especially for those of us who are planners!) but I know that God specifically designed it to be that way. :) He has to remind us silly humans that we aren't the ones in control somehow, right??
Here are some pictures of events from this past week!
Debated on whether I would post this or not... but it's pretty freaky!! |
Installing the car seat!! (And this involved only one meltdown by Ryan. Just kidding. Ryan never has meltdowns. Surprise it was me.) |
Post lunch ice cream at my grandmas! This is a silly sibling shot of my mom and uncle! |
Pre-baby mani/pedi: CHECK! |