Wednesday, December 4, 2013

1st Trimester Milestones - Part 1

My 1st trimester was relatively "uneventful."  Nothing really out of the ordinary, no major breakdowns (okay, okay no major noteworthy breakdowns) all of your typical symptoms... so here is just a little summary of my 1st trimester!

3 Weeks

Major events: Finding out we are pregnant!
Size of baby: Tiny :)
Sleep: Good
Cravings: None
Aversions: None
Movement: No
Belly button in or out? In! (Note: I am absolutely TERRIFIED of my belly button popping out!  I have an innie and it's always been really sensitive!)
Missing: Nothing yet
Best part of this week: Knowing there was a tiny life growing inside of me 
Hardest part of this week: Not telling EVERYONE!
Looking forward to: Our first Dr. appt!  (Our OBGYN waits until 8 weeks for the first appt. 8 weeks seemed SO far away!)
Emotions: Elation, surprise and a little fear (I have always been a planner and I feel totally unprepared for this little surprise!)

Major events: Telling Ryan's parents; telling all of our sisters; trip to Fredricksburg for a Bachelorette Party
Size of baby: Poppy seed
Sleep: Good
Cravings: None
Aversions: None
Movement: No
Belly button in or out? In
Missing: Red meat!!  I am one of those people who prefers a little blood in the middle of my burgers/steaks... not any more :( 
Best part of this week: Sharing the news with family 
Hardest part of this week: Hiding the pregnancy/not telling people/not accidentally spilling the beans
Looking forward to: Telling my mom
Emotions: Stress - trying to figure out my job situation (I will share more on this later); Guilt - I feel really guilty when I am in situations where I am not able to eat right for the baby.  

Major events: Plane ride to Oklahoma
Size of baby: Sesame Seed
Sleep: Good
Cravings: None
Aversions: None
Movement: No
Belly button in or out? In
Missing: Sushi; fitting into my bras; going on runs without my boobs hurting so bad!!
Best part of this week: Getting to see my sister; Daily morning nap time with Freddie when my sister runs home from the hospital to shower. (At this point, Freddie and I spend the same time each day sleeping!)
Hardest part of this week: Seeing Freddie so sick in the hospital and being away from Ryan
Looking forward to: Hopefully getting to telling my mom ONE day; getting back home to my husband (okay, okay that second one is not baby related - but I hate being away from him!)
Emotions: Nothing crazy this week aside from the general excitement

Major events: Flying home; finally telling my mom!
Size of baby: Lentil
Sleep: Good - although the number of times to get up to pee is increasing
Cravings: None
Aversions: Food. All food. And all smells.  Specifically the smell of bananas (even though I still force myself to eat them). UGH
Movement: No
Belly button in or out? In
Missing: Actually wanting to eat
Best part of this week: Obviously telling my mom
Hardest part of this week: Feeling sick 100% of the time (although never throwing up)
Looking forward to: Showing.  You always assume that you start showing the second that you get pregnant, but it really is a LONG time before you even look slightly pregnant (even then its still "is that just a beer belly or is that girl pregnant?")  
Emotions: The usual excitement.  It still doesn't feel real, so sometimes I will "forget" or stop thinking about it, and then remember again, which always makes me very happy.

Major events: Baylor football game; Our 1 year anniversary
Size of baby: Coffee bean
Sleep: Bad - waking up constantly and unable to go back to sleep.
Cravings: None.  Although if something sounds good to eat - that's what I am eating bc its the ONLY thing that sounds good.  One day it was macaroni and cheese and apple juice.  The next day it was a quarter pounder with cheese from McDonalds. 
Aversions: Everything.  
Movement: No
Belly button in or out? In
Missing: The desire to eat; Drinking our "1 year anniversary" bottle of wine.  :(
Best part of this week: Knowing that we only have to wait another week before seeing our baby!
Hardest part of this week: Finding food that doesn't cause me to gag at the mere thought of it.
Looking forward to: Seeing our baby and hearing it's heartbeat
Emotions: Impatience; excitement

Major events: 1st Dr. appt (!!); telling my uncle and grandma
Size of baby: Blueberry
Sleep: Terrible at night; napping all day
Cravings: None
Aversions: Red meat sounds terrible (so weird!)
Movement: No
Belly button in or out? In
Missing: Nothing specific this week
Best part of this week: Seeing baby and seeing the flickering heart
Hardest part of this week: Lying to my friends when asked "When are you going to get pregnant??"  (I HATE dishonesty even if the intentions aren't bad!)
Looking forward to: More ultrasounds; feeling the baby move; finding out the gender (doctor said we have to wait until our big 5 month ultrasound in January - what?!)
Emotions: Pure joy knowing that that our baby's heart was beating

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