Month 7: Baby!
Age: 7 months
Weight: 20ish lbs.
Major calendar events: Overnight in San Antonio to celebrate Beau and Brooks' birthday
Milestones: Cut his first tooth! Not crawling quite yet but if he has enough time he can slowly work his way from point a to point b. We've also tried sitting on the little potty a few times (although nothing significant happens) and he also had his first few times on a swing
Sleep: Finally (consistently) sleeping through the night and still napping with mommy every day (#sorrynotsorry)
Likes: making loud grunting/growling noises, freeze dried apples, Starbucks cups and swinging
Worst moment: Well, this doesn't really have to do with Wells, but Ryan had to go out of town this month and the single mom thing is NOT a walk in the park!!
Eating: Still 99% breastfed, every 4-5 hours, and of course still spitting up. (When will it end?!) He has tried a few things, but just literally tasted them not really had too much yet (he gnawed on an apple slice, has tried a bite of wholly guacamole, just little things like that). At his 6 month check up, I did ask our pedi if it was nutritionally beneficial to begin solids and she said yes :(. I'm still kind of procrastinating and haven't really put much effort into getting him to eat a ton of solids, but I know I need to put forth a little more effort now. He definitely still seems totally content with nursing and doesn't act like he's not getting enough calories or anything like that, but I know it's time to get him more into solids. Boo!
Things I want to remember: How nice it is having a baby that isn't mobile yet ;).
Happy man! |
Check up time! |
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