Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Month 3 - Wells

Month 3: Baby!

Age: 3 months
Weight: 16ish lbs. (haven't weighed him in a while so this is an estimate)
Major calendar events: My good friend and college roommate Jenny came to town with her hubby and stayed with us for a few days; Ryan was also gone for a few days this month so I was by myself overnight with both kids for the first time; Galveston overnight for Ryan's Sister's graduation from Residency
Milestones: I can tell that he's starting to try to use his hands, although his arms still wave around wildly when he attempts to use them. He has also started blowing bubbles, and making little noises in the back of his throat saying "kkkkkkkkk"!
Sleep: Swaddled, on his back; still waking up once per night to eat (I keep trying to compare his sleeping patterns to heidi - which I have got to stop doing! She was sleeping through the night by this point and it's driving me nuts that he isn't yet!) He did give us a couple of little teasers... sleeping through the night once or twice randomly. Those occasional nights are so necessary because they give you enough hope to make it through the next day... knowing and hoping that interrupted sleep will soon be a thing of the past!
Likes: Smiling, balloons, blowing bubbles and making little cooing noises, sleeping on his tummy, snuggling with mommy
Dislikes: There really isn't a lot out there that upsets Wells. He's such a happy baby! He still truly hates having a dirty/wet diaper though...
Best moment: Hanging out with his great grandma, just smiling and chatting away
Worst moment: Getting shots at the doctor :(
Eating: I think we've finally transitioned this guy to a solid every-three-hours feeding schedule...for the most part ;). He also is now big enough to handle the flow, so he's no longer choking, gagging and drowning while he nurses. This makes feeding him much more enjoyable and he isn't constantly breaking his latch anymore!
Things I want to remember: Morning stretches and smiles; I love that both of my kids enjoy being in the car. Houston summers are note conducive to going on walks, so we go on car rides! Heidi gets a snack and listens to her favorite songs, Wells takes a nap and mommy gets a mocha from the Starbucks drive-thru!

Here are some pictures from this past month:

I found them like this...

Still having a hard time grasping that we are a family of FOUR!

Hanging out with Mrs. Laurie while mommy gets her teeth cleaned!

Visiting great grandma!

Wells LOVES balloons!! They make him so happy.

My sleeping guys.

These two!!

I will never be able to take enough pictures of my babies sleeping.
They both just look so precious when they are asleep!

Happy man!

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