Thursday, February 11, 2016

Week 32

Week 32

Major events: No major events this week - just trying to take it easy!
Size of baby: Jicama
Sleep: Still hanging in there... I had one night where I woke up several times because of hip pains, but luckily that was only one night. With my first pregnancy, I had SUCH a hard time getting comfortable and dealing with severe hip pains. I'm not sure if it was because I had gained significantly more weight than I have so far this time, or if it was just my body reacting/adjusting differently. Either way - I'm glad that sleep is still fairly easy to come by this time! 
Cravings: None
Aversions: None
Movement: Oh yes!! It is so bizarre to actually be able to FEEL your uterus stretching... something that I don't recall feeling specifically with Heidi. Sometimes it is painful, and sometimes it just feels bizarre. 
Belly button in or out? In and super flat!
Weight gain: 23 lbs.
Missing: Nothing really...
Best part of this week: Feeling so much better! And getting to spend time with many mama friends this week
Hardest part of this week: 3 things really... 1. "Taking it easy" has been a little tough. The whole "no running, no sex, no cleaning the whole house" stuff has not been super fun, and of course my mind goes to extreme places like "what if my doctor keeps me on these restrictions for the next 7 weeks!? I'm going to go insane!!" Hopefully, this does not end up being the case. 2. I really overdid it one day this week. The thing is - I didn't really DO that much... but for my body (typically), by the 8th/9th month of pregnancy for me that is when "overdoing it" just means not sitting/laying down enough! Ryan was going to be gone ALL day the following day (4am - midnight), so the day before I wanted to get some stuff out of the way so that while he was gone I wouldn't have too much on my plate. I went to our playgroup with Heidi in the morning, then we powered through our grocery store trip (we already got there pretty late and then Heidi needed to go potty. At this point, it is fairly painful for me to sit somewhat contorted in the backseat, while trying to maneuver her in and out of her carseat and on her potty, etc. Also, she pooped so that also added to some of the complication - sorry HEB but that wasn't a dog that pooped in the planter at the front of the parking lot!) The we finally got home, ate lunch and I put Heidi down for a nap. I unloaded all of the groceries out of the car and brought them inside. By the time I unloaded groceries, jacked around straightening things up, etc... it was time to get Heidi up. (I'm not even sure what I was DOING for those 2 hours but it went by fast and I wasn't sitting on the couch watching TV!) Once Heidi was awake, we played for a bit, Ryan got home and then I cooked dinner. (He DID offer to cook dinner but I still insisted that I do it.) By this point in the evening (pretty much every evening) I am already in quite a bit of pain, but tonight I could tell it was a little worse due to exhaustion... so when I went to salt my food and the lid fell off in my plate (followed by all of the contents of the sale grinder)... I tried really hard not to cry...but I lost it. I was so tired, and my belly hurt so bad and it just seemed like everything was awful. I really hadn't even gotten to sit down the whole day except for meals - which isn't really "relaxing". ANYWAY - all of that being said the next day, I dropped Heidi off at MDO and then went home, laid down on the couch and watched the Bachelor and HGTV the whole day. Even though I never fell asleep... it was amazing!! Also, knowing Ryan would not be home that evening I tried to enjoy "not doing anything" as much as I possibly could, which brings me to 3. It is so tough when Ryan is not home in the evenings to help out. (Single mamas I don't know how you do it. Yall are amazing.) Heidi's bath has to be in a bucket on the floor (which I don't think she hates ;)...) because I can't bend over the tub to bathe her. Then by the time she is in bed and I finish the dishes and clean up the house, etc... it's super late! It's so hard only having one set of hands to get everything done that needs to get done. Ryan has another trip coming up soon that will take him away for us for 3 evenings. I am a little bit nervous/anxious about this (especially because we have a lot going on that week as it is) and I know the evenings will be so tough on me physically. I'm trying very hard to prepare our schedule/meals/etc. so that it isn't too strenuous. 
Looking forward to: Doctor appointment coming up - along with our unexpected ultrasound! I'm excited to see our baby boy one last time before his arrival! And hopefully getting the nursery painted this weekend! Hopefully...
Emotions: It's been a pretty emotional week as it is and I do constantly struggle with feeling stressed and overwhelmed now that we are getting closer to his arrival. There's just so much to do! I usually feel very depressed in the evenings, when I am the most exhausted. Tiredness = depression and crying BIG time...not unlike any other normal human being, but pregnancy just magnifies this significantly. I am aware of when I feel this way and know that it's just because I need sleep and rest, so usually once I get some sleep I feel much better the next morning. 
Signs of labor: (I'm adding this category even though I feel like it's kind of dumb. Any "sign" of labor isn't really any sort of indicator as far as timeline goes... but nonetheless I still want to remember things leading UP TO actual labor. I personally don't believe there are any true signs of labor that will tell you WHEN you will go into labor - until you are actually IN labor.) That being said... I am still having a few braxton hicks contractions here and there, however now that I actually know what they feel like I am always over thinking and doubting whether or not they are actually occurring! (Is this one? Maybe. I think it is... Wait, maybe it isn't? Okay, yeah possibly.) But other than that baby is still showing all the right signs that he plans on staying in there for a good while longer!!

8 months!

When Daddy's out of town and Mommy is 8 month pregnant... bathtime happens in a bucket on the floor! 
Heidi likes to put her feet on the baby's feet...

I love this belly.

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