Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Baby #2 On The Way!

I've been neglecting the blog lately. Summer was crazy and it just seemed that I never had enough free time to justify the hours I spend writing. We are now finally settling into our fall routine, Heidi has started MDO (insert tears-streaming-down-face emoji) and I now have a few short hours all to myself each week (although, they are already filling up so fast!) In late July, things also got crazier because... I'm pregnant!! Yes, it's true! We're doing it again. I LOVE being pregnant and bringing babies into this world I am so excited to go through it all again. I have been super exhausted so most of my freetime up until now (which was basically never anyway) was spent resting. So let's answer some of those basic questions!

(*Note: This post was written the day we officially announced our pregnancy on social media when I was 7 weeks pregnant, August 18, 2015.)

Due Date: 
March 30, 2016

How many weeks along am I now: 7 weeks (aka almost 2 months, aka 1st trimester)

How big is Baby Kresta: 
We have not been to the doctor, but he/she should be roughly the size of a blueberry, or .5 inches. So small!

Boy or Girl: It really could go either way at this point. I have no clue! Most people are on team boy...

Morning sickness: 
None! (Yet...)

Exhaustion: SO tired. I have forgotten how the sleep deprivation literally starts DAY 1 of your pregnancy. Tossing and turning all night, uncomfortable, waking up to pee all the time, ugh!

Belly:  Nothin!

Planned: This time, yes! As I have said before, by practicing Natural Family Planning (NFP), we are always saying YES to God and His plan for our family, BUT this time around we were able to avoid getting pregnant when we wanted to and conceive when we wanted to. Success! SO grateful to have found a natural method of "birth control" that actually works for our family. (Also, the whole "trying" process is weird...more on this later.) 

How did we find out: After many many home pregnancy tests, I finally got the faintest shadow of a line... several days (and yes even more pregnancy tests) later we were 100% certain! (More details on this soon.)

Why did we decide share the news now: It seems that lately we have been hearing about the subject of miscarriage a lot. The taboo that surrounds the topic, whether or not you should talk about it, tell people, when it's appropriate to announce your pregnancy after the "risky period", etc. (Even Mark Zuckerberg has recently discussed the miscarriages that he and his wife endured.) Should a miscarriage occur, it's not something that I want to keep a secret. I don't want to feel like it's something that I can't talk about, or share (with a lot of people). As difficult as that might be. By announcing early, we would be forcing a miscarriage (should one occur) to be a topic of discussion. Also, if that happens we trust that my body has recognized that something wasn't right. Openness, honesty and transparency are my priority, even when that means that it isn't easy. 

How far apart will Heidi and baby #2 be: 22 months

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