We took our first family vacation together (with Heidi on the outside) to San Diego! (The last trip that we went on was our
babymoon to NYC before Heidi was born, so she was technically with us then too.) We had a fabulous time and can't wait to go back! Here's what went down:
Day 1
After a LOT of planning and packing the day was finally here! We took the first nonstop because it fit in with Heidi's schedule best, and honestly when traveling with a baby - the earlier the better! I was so nervous about how Heidi would do... even though she isn't walking (or really crawling for that matter) she is still pretty squirmy and even just having her in my lap/in the boba wrap for an hour and a half at church is starting to be a real struggle! So anyway... we woke up early and just popped Heidi straight into her car seat, hoping that she would go back to sleep. She didn't (which was fine) so when we got to the airport and parked, we let her sit on her potty, changed her diaper and put on her outfit for the day. Getting through security was a breeze. I wore her through in the
Boba wrap (as long as there is no metal in the carrier/wrap then you're fine)! They do test your hands so make sure to not put on any lotion (apparently that alters the results). We got on the plane no problems (even had time to stop and grab some food and coffee - THANK GOODNESS). Some airlines will allow you to wear your baby during takeoff and landing - but apparently Southwest is not one of them! As we were taking off, Heidi looked out the window and waved bye bye. Shortly after takeoff, Heidi fell asleep! However, since she wasn't in the wrap yet I was just holding her while she slept. After a while (can't remember how long... maybe an hour?) she woke up, I nursed her and then we played for a bit. Eventually, I could tell she was starting to get bored and a little fussy and I started worrying that we weren't going to make it without her getting frustrated. However, she started getting sleepy and as we were landing she passed back out. The landing LITERALLY put her back to sleep!
We arrived in San Diego around 10:30/11:00 a.m. or so California time. Heidi stayed zonked the whole time we were waiting for our bags and walking to the car! Once we got to the car she started waking up, so we changed her and then headed out to lunch! We ate the world's BEST BLT EVER at Stone Brewery (Liberty Station). After lunch, we of course had to make a pit stop at Chuao, the local chocolatier! We grabbed some mochas (and chocolate duh) and headed to the house. Once there, we were able to just take the afternoon to relax, get settled and take naps. We had a nice dinner at home that night. Here are the pictures from our first day!
On the plane ready to go!! |
Heidi reading her book (very loudly) to herself before takeoff. |
So tired!! |
Waiting for bags.... still sleeping.... |
BLTs at Stone Brewery!! |
Chuao mocha :) |
Trying out this new carseat in Nana's car! |
Heidi you will hate me for putting this on the internet one day... but you're just too cute!! |
Nap time. |
Day 2
The next day we got up and headed to La Jolla - a nice little beach city right on the coast! We saw seals, had lunch and walked around! After lunch, we headed back up the coast, (pit stop a Chuao obviously) and had dinner with my mom and her boyfriend, Jay! Then we went back to Chuao for some gelato ;) hehe. (Hey - it's vacation!)
Ready to go! |
La Jolla. |
Sushi and champagne - what better combination?? |
California coast. |
Enjoying the sun! |
View of La Jolla from a little higher up. |
Back at our favorite place.... |
...you guessed it. Chuao!! |
Some after-dinner gelato. |
A cute baby and a chocolate goatee. |
"All you need is chocolate." My life motto. |
Day 3
The following day, my mom and I had a private yoga session together! At this particular studio, they have a rope wall which allows for plenty of inversions as well as lots of new and different stretches. Felt so good! After yoga, we went and grabbed some AMAZING donuts at Leucadia Donut Shop. (If you are ever in the area and are into that sort of thing - CHECK THEM OUT!) The donuts are huge and super tasty. We then went and realized a lot of things about ourselves at the "Self-Realization Meditation Gardens" at the Self-Realization Fellowship Temple. I don't know much about this religion but in the little shop they had there, it seemed like they had a lot of items from a pretty wide variety of religions. It was pretty interesting. Later that afternoon we headed to the beach - Heidi's first time! At first she was having fun... until the water came. Guess it was a little cold ;).
Rope wall! |
Namaste. |
Cool trees near the meditation garden! |
My loves! |
View from the meditation gardens. They have a lot of quiet and secluded benches and little nooks all over the place, and most of them have incredible views! If I lived nearby, I think I would spend a lot of time there praying, thinking and just relaxing. It's so cool! |
The beach is fun! |
The water is not. "No thanks mom!" |
Beachin. |
Day 4
Day 4 started with a 5 mile run along the coast. It was beautiful! After our run, we went and grabbed some GIANT breakfast burritos. (Are you sensing a theme here yet?) After we got cleaned up, Ryan, Heidi and I went down to a nearby beach town and just walked around and checked out some shops. It was a nice low-key relaxing day!
Morning surf. |
Burrito. Baby for scale. |
Mochas and cappuccinos all day every day! |
Zumbar. |
My favorite baby-wearing baby daddy. |
Day 5
The next day we had to pack our stuff up and get ready to leave. Our flight wasn't until the afternoon, so we had a little bit of time to kill in the morning. We were grateful for the extra time to explore and relax! We grabbed some coffee/breakfast and made one final stop at Chuao for some breakfast chocolate (just kidding. kind of. I saved most of it for later.) Heidi did GREAT on the flight home! I thought it couldn't get any better than our flight TO California... but I was wrong! She literally passed out AS we were taking off and slept for 2 hours!! After she woke up, she nursed for about 30 minutes and then played the rest of the time. I could not BELIEVE how well she did both to and from California and I am so SO proud of her. She is just the best.
Princess Heidi waving to her kingdom. |
Passed out on the plane! |
Good afternoon! Awake and refreshed. |
Our first vacation as a family of 3 was definitely a fabulous one and we really enjoyed our little getaway! I am so proud of my little angel for being such a GREAT traveler and we are looking forward to more family trips together in the future.
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