So now that I have 10+ months of cloth diapering under my belt, I feel like I know enough to write a blog post on the topic. FYI if you are a baby poop virgin you will end up knowing WAY more about baby poop than you probably ever thought you would know after reading this post series – so get ready for lots of poop talk!
When I found out I was pregnant, the thought of using
regular sit-in-a-landfill disposable diapers made me very uncomfortable. I am pretty “green” (or at least I TRY my
best to be!), I recycle every scrap and shred, eat clean, avoid putting
chemicals and toxins into my body and home... you get the picture. However, full on cloth diapering seemed SUPER
scary and gross to me and totally overwhelming. (WASHING
poop?? YUCK!) So I turned to trusty (but also overwhelming) Google. Initially, I started seeking out disposable biodegradable
diaper options. I came across The Honest Company, which claims that their diapers are biodegradable (or at least
partially biodegradable?) but I still wasn’t sold on that idea.
I then came across a new concept : cloth diapers with a (biodegradable/compostable)
disposable insert option. I will get
into gDiaper “anatomy” later, but essentially with this brand the part of the
diaper with the poop and pee on it goes in the trash/compost pile/flushed down
the toilet and the rest of the diaper (the cloth part) goes into the washer
with the rest of baby’s clothes. Initially,
this sounded like a good option for us… an eco-friendly non-traditional yet disposable
option… that didn’t involve putting poopy diapers into the washing machine (or
somehow transferring the poo into the toilet via toilet attachment sprayer) neither
of which I thought I wanted to deal with. However, I was still curious about the fully
cloth version of gDiapers (and other brands) so, I did what any female,
educated, 20-something mom-to-be does – I took to Facebook! After asking for suggestions/advice on
biodegradable diaper options and stating my genuine FEAR of cloth diapers I got
some great responses! So many of my
girlfriends had experience with cloth diapers and made it sound totally do-able
and not so scary. It was then that I was
SOLD on cloth diapers!
Now what?
There 5 billion cloth diaper options/brands/types and blogs
reviewing said options... how was I going to know what was going to work for
us?? I looked into other brands, but
just wasn’t feeling the all-in-one style or pocket-style. (Click here to see a brief description of these
two types!) Essentially, with these two
types of diapers you wash the entire thing every time. When the baby goes, you take the diaper off and
get a whole new one. You probably need 15-20
diapers to last you for 2 days? (Correct
me if I’m wrong BumGenius mamas!) I started looking into gDiapers again, as the
brand also offers washable cloth inserts in addition to their disposable insert
option. The more and more I started
looking into the gDiaper fully cloth version, the more and more convinced I
became that I WAS fully capable of cloth diapering and that the cloth insert
version of gDiapers wasn’t as scary as I thought. I was at least willing to try the cloth diaper insert option, and
if it was just too much for me to handle we could always switch to the
disposable insert option. I’m ALL about
options… and it seemed that even if we went with gDiapers we would still have
options we could choose between within that brand and even just depending on
the day and my mood. Now that’s what I
like!! So forward we marched with gDiapers!
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My tiny 3 week old in her super cute ruffly gDiaper! (Which we somehow managed to never get poop stains on. Score!) |
Continued here: gDiaper Series Part 2 – gDiaper Anatomy and My Routine/System!