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This is really getting out of control y'all!! |
Major events: Second half of our babymoon in New York; Found a doula for our birth!!
Size of baby: Jiacama (? Whatever that is?? I couldn't find a large enough one in the store... oh well)
Sleep: Slept almost 6 hours straight one night! Insane!! But then Ryan got really sick on Monday and I haven't really slept since... :(
Cravings: None
Movement: Yep!
Belly button in or out? In... barely...
Missing: Bending; moving; not feeling SO crammed full!
Best part of this week: Ryan was able to feel both of her feet kicking around! It's so cool to be able to feel different body parts... the feet are so much different feeling then when her butt pokes way out of my side! Also, one of my prenatal yoga teachers (who also happens to have some doula training) has agreed to be our doula! I really love her and am so excited that she will be helping us through this journey.
Hardest part of this week: Ryan has been very sick this week, so it has been difficult doing everything on my own and not having him available to support me. (I keep trying to tell myself that one day it could be me taking care of several sick people all by myself! That helps me get through the day...sometimes) The other thing that has become quite hard to deal with - all of the aches and pains! Round ligament pain - this is fairly sporatic, which is good but man sometimes it just feels like someone is twisting a knife in my lower right side. Worse than round ligament pain though... pain under ribs. Early in my pregnancy, I experienced pain right under my bra strap line around my chest. It felt like someone had put a rope around me and was constantly tightening it. The muscles would also get numb and tingly. At first, I really thought that I just needed to (yet again) buy larger bras. But the pain did not go away whether I was wearing a bra or not. So after looking around online, I found that a lot of other women experience this as well. Apparently your hips aren't the only things that need to expand to support the baby - your rib cage grows too! The last few weeks though, the pain has intensified and has moved to just one spot (right under my bustline from the middle to middle right side). The skin is constantly numb and burning and when I push on it, it is quite painful. I do hope that this pain is just due to the baby pushing up and forcing my chest cavity to expand and that it's not something more serious, but I definitely plan on bringing this up at our doctors appointment next week. (We are now going to the doctor every 2 weeks - aaah!)
Looking forward to: Ryan not being sick anymore! I hope this is sooner rather than later...
Emotions: I am currently feeling SUPER stressed about the next 7ish weeks. When I look at our calendar, I am so overwhelmed with how much we have going on. I keep trying to tell myself that it's "fun" stuff, but that doesn't really change the fact that we don't have a free moment! When April started booking up, I made a rule: Nothing after April 30. The answer is no. We need that month for us. But as May is quickly approaching... we seem to keep bending this rule. I hate saying "no" just for the sake of saying no... but at this point we don't even have a free day to set up the nursery until 2 weeks before my due date... let alone go and buy the actual furniture! I think even for non-planners that must be stressful... I am a BIG time planner and just reading that sentence makes me feel like I'm having a panic attack. I am trying to focus on the wonderful thing that is coming... but I am so incredibly overwhelmed with crap right now. (And yes, I realize that your whole life it will always be one thing right after the other. The junk never ends! I just wish it could pause. For just a little bit. Before this baby gets here...)
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