Sunday, December 22, 2019

36 Weeks

Sarah McKenzie Photography

36 weeks today. And I can hardly even believe that we’re already here.

When I tell people how far along I am in this pregnancy, at this point the automatic response is “Wow almost there!” or “Oh you’re getting so close!” But what’s weird is that, while I do have brief moments where I feel like the pregnancy part of this journey is basically over (typically coupled with slight panic!), MOST of the time I feel like I still have lots of time between now and when we meet this baby face to face. For the first time, 36 weeks just doesn’t feel THAT close to being the end, when that next chapter will begin. I still (hopefully) have many weeks left with this babe growing and rolling inside of me. We’ve just BARELY started talking about names, haven’t prepared a space for baby, washed clothes or anything like that.

Maybe I’m in denial. Or maybe 4 weeks actually IS a long time. Enough time. The right amount of time. However long it ends up being. I’m still focused intently on the present, no countdowns or number of days left of xyz...because I know how sacred, special and important these last few weeks are to me. I also know from experience that baby’s birth story doesn’t begin with broken waters or a contraction or the arrival time at a hospital, but in the hours, days and weeks before that. For some mamas, this time is about wanting to press fast forward. Just get through it. End it already. Sprint the last 100 meters, cross the finish line, without looking up. And to others, it’s about desperately wanting to slam on the brakes, out of fear or just needing more time to prepare, nest, bond (πŸ‘ˆπŸΌ usually me!)... this time I DO want to take it slow. But not out of desperation. But out of honor and respect for the process. For my body and baby’s natural rhythms. I plan on spending a lot of time in nature, meditating, praying, nesting, connecting with my body, listening to baby and his/her timing... and MAYBE at least having SOME name options for this baby!

Here’s to the last month-ish of pregnancy!! Enjoying each day of the next month or however long. (And if God wants to give me a little extra time I’m okay with that too πŸ˜‰.) To the next 2-6 weeks - I’m here for you.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

40 days. 34 Weeks.

Sarah McKenzie Photography

40 days from our due date today! And while I am aware today of that specific number (only because I went out of my way to look it up a few days ago) we still have no countdowns over here, no focus on “how many days/weeks until _____” or how many more “alone” days I have before baby arrives. (In the past I’ve known EXACTLY how much time I had left.) I hardly know what to tell strangers when asked how far along I am - not because by baby number 4 you lose track or are too preoccupied to remember but because I actually haven’t been focused on knowing. I’ve been BLISSFULLY unaware of timelines and it feels amazing. I’m still focusing intently on the present and hardly looking ahead any more than I absolutely have to. Turning my eyes towards the Lord and being more intentional with my time with Him. Preparing my heart for birth. Preparing my soul for the sacredness of the postpartum experience. Seeking guidance from professionals as well as my labor support team to come alongside me and lead me on this journey towards birthing another life into this world. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’—

This past weekend we were so fortunate to have some time with @sarahmckenziephoto (who was actually with us for 2 of our previous births!) to capture this sacred time for our family. I am so grateful for her and can’t wait to see more!!

Sarah McKenzie Photography