Month 7: Baby!
Age: 7 months
Weight: 18+ lbs.
Major calendar events: First Thanksgiving! and first time seeing Santa, among lots of other holiday-season firsts
Milestones: Waving, first tooth
Sleep: Oh my goodness the sleep situation has gotten ONE THOUSAND times better. At Heidi's 6 month dr. appointment, I talked to our pediatrician about how we were struggling to get her to go to sleep/stay asleep without freaking out (I was very concerned bc. Heidi would cry so hard - but not like a "putting herself to sleep" cry but a "someone is trying to kill me" cry and I was starting to get pretty frustrated. ) The doctor recommended "cry it out". I have always been very hesitant about this method. I feel like most moms say they won't do it or they don't agree with it - until they get to the point where they have no more options. Now, I am also one of those people that won't consider a lot of things - until my doctor says it's okay! As soon as she told us to try it - BAM we're trying it. She has twin 3-year old boys - so I TOTALLY trust her judgment. The first night of "cry it out" Heidi screamed for an hour and a half. and it was terrible. The second night - 50 minutes. The third night - 20 minutes! Amazing! I should also add that when Heidi turned 6 months we moved her into her own room (she has been in her pack 'n play in our room for her first 6 months). I never thought I would be that parent. Before she was here I was very adamant about the fact that our room is our space and I wanted to move her as soon as possible. However, this is definitely one of those things that changed completely after her arrival. I now tell friends and new mamas - don't feel rushed to move your baby! Do it whenever you're ready. Sure it will be difficult at first and even though you will also feel like you get a huge part of your life back when that time DOES come - there's no harm in waiting until you feel *somewhat* ready. Do I sometimes wish that I could have a normal sex life with my husband and also have my baby sleep IN our bed with us every single night? Definitely. But there's no normal non-gross/non-weirdo way of doing that. So Heidi will continue to spend her nights on a completely different floor of our house, in her own room and in her own bed... except for those special nights when we let her have a sleepover in our bed with us. (Or as some people who like to be dramatic call it: the dreaded "CO-SLEEPING!!!!!" duhn duhn duuuunnnn. Co-sleeping is super controversial, but this is also an opinion of mine that has changed over time which I will maybe save for another day and another time. But for all you worriers out there - don't panic! We didn't co-sleep with Heidi when she was an infant, we have a king sized bed so she has plenty of room, no blankets or pillows around her face and we are both light sleepers - I wake up at the tiniest movement or noise. We definitely have not made a habit of this and do not do it often. But it IS super special when we do get to have her so close by.) Needless to say, these past 4 weeks have been SO nice putting Heidi to bed and having a few hours of alone time with my hubby (and wine). Amazing!! Let's hope this is a permanent habit :)
Likes: Sticking her tongue out, going to the grocery store/shopping, being held by mommy, bananas
Dislikes: Avocados
Best moment: Seeing Heidi wave to me for the first time was amazing.
Worst moment: Driving around the Galleria parking garage for 45 minutes looking for a parking spot while Heidi screamed her head off. Terrible.
Eating: 100% of her nutrition is still coming from breast milk; nursing like a boss every 4 hours (except at night - she can really go 12+ hours at night - which is awesome!) We have tried several foods "just for fun" and are letting her explore flavors and textures and learn how to eat! She has had banana, avocado and sweet potatoes. We made the mistake of starting off with banana - so I think she prefers the sweet over the more bland flavors.
Things I want to remember: Too many things...
Month 7: Mama
I have really been feeling quite well this month. The hot flashes seem to have subsided, breastfeeding is now (finally) a total breeze and I was able to run my first half marathon since having Heidi (I promise to post about this soon!) And while my body seems to have almost returned to a somewhat normal cycle (Warning TMI update: getting my period every 4-5 weeks) I don't think that I am ovulating yet, which is making things slightly difficult to pin down. I plan on reaching out to some bloggers and friends about this to see how they have successfully handled natural family planning post baby while continuing to breastfeed...Anyone have any tips??
I also celebrated my 28th birthday this past month. It's so bizarre how certain things just don't really matter that much after you have a baby. Well, I'm not actually sure if it's the having a baby thing that changes things or if it just a getting older thing. But my birthday didn't really feel like my birthday. It was just kind of a regular day - and I was totally okay with that. I had a lovely lunch with my mother-in-law and sister-in-laws and a wonderful dinner with my husband and it was perfect. I didn't want or expect anything more. But it's weird how one day you're just okay with that. It's nice to just feel content. Full. 100% satisfied. This was a good month. And these next 4 weeks will hopefully be even better because CHRISTMAS! How could they not be?? I'm SO looking forward to spending time with my family and enjoying Heidi's first Christmas - our first Christmas as a family of 3!
Here are some pics from our 7th month with our princess baby angel!
Getting into trouble - SHOE SHOPPING!! |
The last half marathon I ran we ran it together. Heidi was inside of me of course but I missed having her with me! |
Lounging in her chair that Poppy put together for her. He bought it when I was pregnant :) |
Hehe. |
Riding in the BOB stroller like a big girl! |
T-giving farm style. |
Heidi was NOT feeling the backpack-style. |
That tongue... |
We love Hobby Lobby! |
THIS girl. |
Waving for one of the first times ever. (You can't tell by my boob in the picture but I AM crying my head off out of joy and excitement. She's the best!) |
Shopping yay! |
Christmas party! |
Bath time smiles. |
Helping mommy set up all of the Christmas lights outside. |
Looking for our first Christmas tree! |
More shopping smiles! |
Excited to see Santa. |
Merry Christmas to all from the whole Kresta family! - Ryan, Stephanie, Baby Heidi, Hazel the greyhound and Frank the wiener dog (and to answer your question - yes our house is a zoo).