On October 6th, Ryan and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. Now, this was an especially special anniversary for us. Why you ask?? Because I'm not currently pregnant! We didn't quite make it to our first anniversary before finding out about our little Heidi (oops!) and if God chooses for baby #2 to come into existence sometime next year chances are I could potentially be pregnant for our 3rd anniversary... so we HAD to do something special this year of course!!
Ryan and I have a "no gift" policy. We don't give gifts unless it's a birthday or Christmas. Don't get me wrong - it's not that I don't LIKE getting presents (I mean come on, what girl's love language ISN'T gift receiving??) it's just that for us - spending time with each other IS the gift. The time we have with each other is so limited and so valuable. There plenty of people who may place a higher value on receiving that physical token of love, and
that's okay. But to
us? Time together is the number 1. How many times a year should I expect my husband to come up with some big (or small) gesture, search high and low to find something special to give me, spend money or precious time on etc. etc? Valentine's day, mother's day, our wedding anniversary, my birthday, Christmas...the list goes on and on. If you're one of those people who has found someone who is able to come up with super romantic/overly thoughtful/super planned out gifts for every holiday and occasion - congrats (and I don't mean that sarcastically!) Don't let that person go - they are hard to find! But I can honestly say as loving and kind and thoughtful as my husband is, I know it is unrealistic of me to expect that from him 5+ times per year (heck I can't even expect myself of that!) These days, there are so many holidays focused around gift giving that we have decided that it's best for us to limit those gift-giving holidays. And I have to say so far - it's been amazing!
For our anniversary this year, we got a hotel room at City Center (an area with lots of restaurants, shops, bars, etc.) and planned to just stay there, walk around and not have to drive anywhere! Heidi spent the night with her Mimi and Poppy and it was the perfect little getaway for us. (I did warn Ryan after we dropped Heidi off that chances were high that I would cry at some point [multiple points] because this was my first night away from her ever! It was going to be so hard to wake up and not have her there.)
It was a Saturday, so we both wanted to watch football of COURSE! Between the TV, our phones and iPad, we had 3 games going - and I am totally okay with that! We cracked open some beers, and just relaxed. Now, when you're a breastfeeding mama and you leave your baby... you also gotta bring the pump!! Here is a picture of how we spent the first bit of our weekend together for you...
Football and pumping - does it get any more romantic than this?? |
Once the afternoon games started winding down and we started getting hungry we left the hotel and walked over to Yard House. We didn't really have an agenda, just thought we would grab some dinner, drinks (and more football) throughout the evening. It's lucky we share our love for each other, food and football. He was truly made for me and I for him. We decided just to stay at Yard House for dinner since we were already there and had good seats at the bar (with views of multiple football games - I swear we're not obsessed! Okay we are.)
Dinner at Yard House! |
(Of course, as I was pumping before going to sleep, the pump died and I had forgotten the charger. The next morning I found myself standing over the sink milking myself to relieve some of the pain. Life after a baby is SO romantic!) The next day we woke up and went straight to pick Heidi up! (Thank goodness she was hungry!) And guess what?! I didn't even cry once while we were away from her. I never thought I would be that kind of super-attached and emotional mom but-surprise! I am.
Reunited at last!! Missed her so much. |
Once we picked Heidi up, we headed to San Antonio to celebrate Beau's 1st birthday fiesta! Just a few pictures from the rest of the weekend....
Heidi with her "Uncle" John, aka. The Experience. |
Happy 1st year of life Beau-man! |
Friends! |
Grabbing faces. |
Happy baby at the hotel in San Antonio! |
Last bottle of wine from our "Milestone Wine Basket" from Ryan's sisters! (Other milestones include: The very first night in our house together, first dinner party, first fight, and cider for when we found out we were pregnant!) |
Intended for last year ;) |
Happy 2nd anniversary to my wonderful wonderful husband!!! I love you so much and I love our time together.